Peony Pavilion 遊園驚夢
Yonfan楊凡|Hong Kong香港|2001|123’|Mandarin國語
Rie MIYAZAWA宮澤里惠|Joey WANG王祖賢|Daniel WU吳彥祖
• Moscow International Film Festival
Rie Miyazawa《Best Actress》| Yonfan《FIPRESCI Prizes》
宫澤理惠《最佳女主角》| 楊凡《國際影評人大奬》
• Deauville Asian Film Festival《Best Photography》
• The 7th Golden Bauhinia Awards《Best Photography》|《10 Best Asian Film》
• The 21th Hong Kong Film Awards《Best Art Direction》|《Best Costume Design》
第二十一屆香港電影金像獎《最佳美術指導 》|《最佳服裝設計 》
• Ten Best Film of 2001 by Time Magazine 亞洲周刊選出2001年十大電影之一
• Asia Film Festival, Singapore (Opening Film) 亞洲國際電影節 (開幕電影)
• Hong Kong International Film Festival (Opening Film) 香港國際電影節(開幕電影)
• Jin Ji Bai Hwa Film Festival, China (Opening Film) 中國金雞百花電影節 (開幕電影)
• Flanders International Film Festival 比利时國際音樂電影節
• Hawaii International Film Festival 夏威夷國際電影節
• Mardi Gras Film Festival, Sydney 悉尼瑪達嘉思電影節
• Tokyo International Film Festival 東京國際電影節
About Story
PEONY PAVILION could only be a Yonfan picture, and arguably 2001's boldest production, incorporating passages of traditional Kunqu opera into a lush romantic story featuring superstars from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan. Yonfan's movies have a thematic consistency in their depiction of idealized love that is fleetingly found and then irrevocably lost. PEONY PAVILION is no exception, taking place in 1930s Suzhou and centering on the intense relationships between the fifth wife of an opium-addicted aristocrat (Rie Miyazawa), her husband's female cousin (Joey WANG), and a handsome instructor (Daniel Wu) who himself learns a few things in the process.
故事發生在三十年代蘇州美麗的庭院中。翠花是「得月樓」名妓,風華絕代,萬人景仰,最後卻耐入豪門為妾,受儘冷落,卻又遇到痴情的二管家暗戀… 遊園。
蘭姨家道中落,卻立志做個時代女性,自力更生,一心報國,卻遇上性感的邢志剛,令自己意志毀於一旦… 驚夢。兩個女人的愛情都沒有結果,最後二人只有相濡以沬,彼此依靠。