About Yonfan
Yonfan wrote, directed and produced all 14 of his motion pictures.
He was born in Wuhan, China and brought up in Taiwan now lives in Hong Kong. Throughout his career, he gave Maggie Cheung her first on-screen romantic role and made Chow Yun-fat a box-office star, Story of Rose (1985), discovered Daniel Wu, Bishonen (1998) and revived the career of the legendary Rie Miyazawa, Peony Pavilion (2002). He has pioneered LGBT theme in the Hong Kong mainstream cinema. He has worked with practically every Chinese screen siren of his era. He also restored his complete film library and is now restoring his photographic work including images of China and Tibet in the late 70’s and 80’s.
As a connoisseur of Chinese paintings, Yonfan has made donations to Musée Guimet Paris and the Arthur M Sackler Gallery. He is also a renowned writer in Chinese and has had books of his essays and short stories, memoirs of world cinema, his photography and his art collections published in Chinese, English and Japanese.
No.7 Cherry Lane is Yonfan's debut animation and his first new film in a decade (Prince of Tears in 66th Venice Competition, 2009) and awarded 《Best Screenplay》 in 76th Venice Competition, 2019.
Filmograhy as Director
1984 | A Certain Romance |
1985 | Story of Rose |
1986 | Immortal Story |
1987 | Double Fixation |
1988 | Last Romance |
1990 | The Promising Miss Bowie |
1993 | In Between |
1995 | Bugis Street |
1998 | Bishonen |
2001 | Peony Pavilion |
2003 | Breaking the Willow |
2004 | Colour Blossoms |
2009 | Prince of Tears | 2013 | Lu (Short Film) | 2019 | No.7 Cherry Lane |
1978 | Paris through the lens of Chinese Photographer |
1979 | China Image - Yonfan Photography China |
1981 | Tibet A Distant Horizon |
1983 | Yonfan Ten Year |
1991 | A Chinese Portrait |
2012 | Intermission |
2012 | Intoxication |
2013 | Incantation |
2015 | Fu Hwa |
2015 | Liu Jin |
2016 | Romantica |
2020 | Back Street of Cherry Lane |
2020 | No.7 Cherry lane – A Film by Yonfan |
2020 | No.7 Cherry Lane – Return the Time Lost |
1984年,拍成首部電影作品《少女日記》,即奠定其唯美、浪漫的強烈個人風格。次年以《玫瑰的故事》首次啟用周潤發丶張曼玉成為膾炙人口的文藝片,接下的《海上花》《意亂情迷》《流金歲月》《新同居時代》《祝福》也都歲月留痕。之後在新加坡拍攝的異色電影《三画二郎情》(又名妖街皇后)開啟亞洲變性人電影之先河,1997年更以「美少年之戀」發掘一代男神吳彥祖。影片參加柏林丶多倫多等… 超過五十多個國際電影節,並奪得 米蘭國際同志電影節之最佳電影(1999)。
2012年開始從事寫作,著有《楊凡時間》《花樂月眠》《楊凡電影時間》《浮花》《流金》《羅曼蒂卡》及繼園臺七號電影系列之《芳華虛度 繼園臺》《繼園臺七號 楊凡電影》《繼園臺七號 再繪逝水年華》。
2012年開始籌備動畫長片《繼園臺七號》製作歷時七年。 2019年入圍第76屆威尼斯影展主競賽單元,並奪得「最佳劇本金獅獎」,成為首部獲得威尼斯金獅獎的華語動畫電影。
1984 | 少女日記 |
1985 | 玫瑰的故事 |
1986 | 海上花 |
1987 | 意亂情迷 |
1988 | 流金歲月 |
1990 | 祝福 |
1993 | 新同居時代 |
1995 | 三画二郎情(又名 妖街皇后) |
1998 | 美少年之戀 |
2001 | 遊園驚夢 |
2003 | 鳳冠情事 |
2004 | 桃色 |
2009 | 淚王子 |
2013 | 律(短片) |
2019 | 繼園臺七號 |
1978 | 一個攝影師鏡下的巴黎 |
1979 | 少年游 - 楊凡攝影中國 |
1981 | 西藏行 |
1983 | 楊凡十年 |
1991 | 美麗傳奇 |
2012 | 楊凡時間 |
2012 | 花樂月眠 |
2013 | 楊凡電影時間 |
2015 | 浮花 |
2015 | 流金 |
2016 | 羅曼蒂卡 |
2020 | 芳華虛度 繼園臺 |
2020 | 繼園臺七號 楊凡電影 |
2020 | 繼園臺七號 再繪逝水年華 |